Turn Clicks into Customers

 approx 3 minute read

Concentrate on the conversion

You’ve spent countless hours, energy, and pounds building your website.

It’s live. It’s beautiful. But there’s one glaring issue…

It’s not converting visitors into customers.

It’s like having a beautifully set table but no guests to enjoy the feast.

Annoying, right?

Let’s chat through a few ways to get your website back on track.

So you can turn your visitors into fans. Clicks into customers.

We all know the conversion rate optimisation basics

  • Ensure your page speed is lightning-fast
  • Plaster those call-to-actions (CTAs) on every page
  • Flaunt trust signals like a badge of honour
  • And keep your checkout process smoother than a baby’s bottom

These are the non-negotiables.

But what if I told you there are hidden conversion killers lurking in the shadows, quietly sabotaging your success?

Buckle up, because we’re about to uncover five not-so-obvious ways to optimise your website for conversions.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

#1 Eliminate Visual Clutter

You might think a website bursting with information and colourful visuals screams “We’re professional and credible!”

However, it often translates to sensory overload for your visitors.

Visual clutter can distract and overwhelm, leading to higher bounce rates and lower conversions.

Actionable Tip: Embrace white space

Give your content room to breathe. Aim for a clean, minimalist design where every element has a purpose.

Not only does this make your website easier on the eyes, but it also guides visitors to your CTAs like a moth to a flame.

PS. We can design new websites and landing pages, or give tired pages a refresh.

#2 Use Psychological Pricing

Ever wonder why things are priced at €9.99 instead of €10.00?

It’s not just to be cheeky. It’s psychological pricing at work.

The human brain processes prices from left to right, and seeing a €9.99 instead of €10.00 feels like a better deal, even if it’s just a cent difference.

Actionable Tip: Implement charm pricing

Drop those zeroes and replace them with .99 or .97. Aim to change the ‘left number’.

A small change in how you present prices can lead to a significant boost in conversions.

Also, look into how you anchor your prices against each other to offer perspective.

#3 Optimise Your Forms

Forms are essential for lead generation.

But a cumbersome, lengthy form can scare potential customers away faster than you can say “conversion rate.”

Think of your form as a first date: you don’t want to ask for too much too soon.

Actionable Tip: Streamline your forms.

Only ask for the most crucial information upfront. You can always gather more details later.

Use multi-step forms to make the process less daunting.

Consider adding a progress bar to show visitors how close they are to completion.

#4 Leverage Social Proof Strategically

Social proof is like the cherry on top of your conversion sundae.

Testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content build trust and credibility.

But slapping them willy-nilly on your site won’t do the trick.

Actionable Tip: Place social proof near your CTAs

If a visitor is on the fence about clicking that “Buy Now” button, a glowing review or testimonial nearby can nudge them over the edge.

Ensure these elements are genuine and relatable to your target audience for maximum impact.

PS. Manage your online reputation with the Reviews element of SEO Console

#5 Utilise Exit-Intent Popups

Popups can be a double-edged sword.

Used wisely, they can capture a potential lead just as they’re about to leave your site.

Misuse them, and you risk annoying your visitors.

Exit-intent popups trigger when a user is about to leave, offering them a last-ditch incentive to stay or engage.

Actionable Tip: Craft compelling exit-intent popups

Offer a discount, a free resource, or an exclusive deal to entice visitors to reconsider leaving.

Make sure your message is clear, concise, and offers real value.

But don’t be overly aggressive; there’s a fine line between persuasive and pushy.

So that’s it?

Nope. Optimising your website for conversions isn’t a one-and-done task.

It’s an ongoing process of tweaking, testing, and fine-tuning.

By addressing these hidden conversion killers, you can create a seamless, enjoyable experience for your visitors that guides them smoothly from interest to action.

Remember, the key is to keep things simple, user-friendly, and psychologically appealing.

So, go ahead and give your website the makeover it deserves. Your visitors (and your bottom line) will thank you.

Feel like you need a hand?

At Nettl, we’re here to help you unlock your website’s full potential.

Let’s turn those clicks into customers together.