Our very own Rob Finnie, regional director, looks at the top 10 website musts for 2015. 2014 was a shape shifter in digital marketing. If you’re in business in the UK – you can no longer afford to ignore online. In 2015, you may be taking your first steps to getting your business online[…]
EXTENDED As many as two million sole traders and small companies missed out on £1.5bn of Cyber Weekend online sales* according to the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills. With a greater number missing out on the last minute rush for Christmas and the January sales. As a result, www.nettl.com are offering £50,000 of web[…]
Making sure your site is ready for the mobile and tablet boom, should be your priority for 2015 according to Evigo. In a recent article based on research from Capgemini, they’ve highlighted the growth of online purchases from mobiles and tablets. Online purchases from mobile devices in 2010 accounted for a measly 1% of sales. Fast[…]
Last weekend saw an entire four day weekend of phenomenal sales in the UK. However many small businesses were not prepared for the online spending spree generated by Black Friday and Cyber Monday, in figures released by the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills. 2m small businesses missing out with online sales The details outline[…]
Maybe your website isn’t as embarrassing as The RA, but how easy is it to navigate on your mobile? Do you need to pinch and zoom and pan and scale? If you do, then so do your visitors. And that’s awkward. It could be losing you business. Take a look at your site now on your[…]
Today, is a sad day, because we’ve reached the final font in our Free Font Friday giveaway! But, it’s also a good day, because we’ve saved the best free font for last! Nettl Sans is the Crown Jewels of our font collection. We loved it so much, we decided it should have a catchy name[…]
Maybe your website isn’t as embarrassing as James Lowes, but how easy is it to navigate on your mobile? Do you need to pinch and zoom and pan and scale? If you do, then so do your visitors. And that’s awkward. It could be losing you business. Take a look at your site now on[…]
Wow, is it Friday already? Well that can mean only one thing. We’re giving away another font for you to use on desktop and web, completely free of charge. By downloading the above link, you’re treating yourself to a new font in OpenType (OTF) format for use on your Mac or PC. It also includes[…]