Categories: Blog

Two Reasons

Keep them coming back for more

 approx 2 minute read

Why does your website exist?

It may surprise you to hear there are only two reasons to have a website.

Can you guess what they are?

Thousands of websites. One aim.

We have made thousands of websites.
And the goal for every single one is to either

  • Make money,
  • Help people,
  • Or both.

We challenge you to think of any website that doesn’t boil down to one of those two reasons.

If you disagree, we’d LOVE to hear from you. Let’s have a conversation on Twitter (yep, we’re still calling it that for the moment).

Granted, there are hundreds of ways in which websites can help people or make money.

There can be a particular focus on any of these areas or a combination.

But ultimately they all lead to one thing. All websites share a common goal.

What’s your goal?

To grow email subscribers.

OK. Why?

Yep, you guessed it. Ultimately the goal is to

  • Sell something to your subscribers
  • Continue to grow your list (so you can sell something to your subscribers)
  • To sell sponsorship opportunities
  • To help people hoping you can indirectly sell them something
  • Or to help people from the goodness of your heart.

People often say they want a website so they appear credible.

Fair enough. Why?

So you look professional.

Yes. But why?

So they trust you.




Well, potential customers.

Why would you care what they think?

Because you want them to buy from you.


There may be more reasons.

In fact, here are 25 things you might want your website to achieve.

  1. To sell your products
  2. To let people know where you can buy your products
  3. To sell someone else’s products
  4. To educate people about your products
  5. To showcase my portfolio
  6. To showcase talent
  7. To provide news and coverage
  8. To grow email subscribers
  9. To get more customers / leads / calls / enquiries (select all applicable!)
  10. To get bookings
  11. To get appointments
  12. To get more users of your thing
  13. To provide customer service
  14. To help people find information
  15. To help people find services
  16. To help people make choices
  17. To boost brand awareness
  18. To position your company
  19. To show credibility
  20. To exchange information
  21. To be available 24/7
  22. To send something
  23. To find people
  24. To gather data
  25. To store information

What others can you think of? @mention us on Twitter with your thoughts.

But whatever top-level reason, it will always filter down to one of these two things:

  • Helping people, or
  • Making money

Or usually, both. Seeing as those things tend to go hand in hand.

Get help

For help helping your website help as many people as possible, contact your helpful Nettl team who will be happy to help.

Seriously though, your Nettl team are experts at increasing online visibility and helping you to get the most from your website. So you’re aiming to achieve more, let’s talk.

Daryl Edgecombe: