Your local Jewellery Quarter SEO Experts

So how do I get to the top of Google? SEO is a ‘nerdy’ term and not understood by many, but if you own a business in a city as large and competitive as Birmingham, it’s one well worth knowing about. So let’s keep it simple… A lot of people buy online, and most people use Google, right? Well the term ‘Search Engine Optimisation’(SEO), basically means getting your website to the top of search engines by making it trustworthy and improving relevance. In doing so, a website will be offered great opportunities and rewards. Being sat at the top of the search results will bag a website a huge 33% of traffic (or clicks), 2nd get’s 18%, you get the picture.

How can we help? Well firstly, we pride ourselves on being transparent, down to earth and speaking in a non ‘geeky jargon’ that you will understand. Locally based in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, we can sit down over a coffee, offer you a free audit, establish where your website needs key improvements and plan how we can help you get more traffic and customers.

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