Nettl :Listings
In the past, every business needed to be listed in the Yellow Pages. Today, business information can be found on 50+ platforms such as Waze, Yelp, Facebook, Google, Apple and GPS systems.
Listings are online directories where a business can publish information like opening hours, address, phone number, website and other relevant information.
Use Nettl :Listings to immediately sync your information across 50+ directories. Simply update and publish your business information in one go, across multiple platforms such as Google, Uber, Siri and Facebook. From changing your opening hours to updating your contact details, uploading photos, or displaying delivery options etc.
Why is complete and recent information so important?
Because 80% of consumers lose trust in local businesses if online information is incorrect or not available.
More Customers
Accurate listings improve your search rankings.
When more people can find you, more people can choose you. Complete and consistent information will automatically lead to more calls, website traffic and navigation requests.
Keep track of your business results and invest time where it matters with Nettl :Listings.
Improve your search rankings
Get all these features and more for just £19.99 per month with Nettl :Listings
Create your company listings across 50+ platforms. All in one click.
Update and manage all your data in one go, from one centralised location.
Claim and manage your business location and put yourself on the map.
GMB Creation
Create and manage your Google My Business account within the same dashboard.
Listings will continuously push your business details to all platforms, every month.
Get insights and analytics on how your online listings are performing and how to improve.
Try Nettl :Listings for free
Register now for a free 30 day trial.
Nettl :Reviews
Improve your reputation management by encouraging, monitoring, tracking and responding to all customer reviews in one centralised place