After graduating with a degree in Illustration and Animation, Sean Comrie heard about a ‘cool design experience opportunity’ on the horizon. Welcome aboard the Nettl Academy, Sean. Give us your thoughts on becoming one of our first Nettl Cadets. “I had spent a couple months working a typical supermarket job whilst desperately trying to find[…]
Tom Read, a current Illustration & Graphic Design student at Coventry University, and one of our first Cadets, shares his experience of the Nettl Academy: “As soon as I heard about the opportunity to gain real world experience in a professional design studio, I jumped at the chance head first. Something like this isn’t a regular occurrence[…]
The Nettl Academy recently opened it’s doors to welcome the first batch of Nettl Cadets onto the training programme. The Nettl Academy is a way for design graduates to gain some experience, get on-the-job coaching and real-world training. Here, Chris Locke, one of our first cadets, speaks about his experience so far. “At the Nettl Academy[…]
Nettl now: Same day printing, delivered FREE in 4 hours We’re pleased to announce the launch of Nettl now this week. Our solution to your on-demand print needs. Nettl now offers a range of popular print products, delivered direct to you for free, in as little as 4 hours. You can order anything from one poster to a[…]
People are busy and easily distracted. How do you encourage web visitors to stay longer, find what they need, and get in touch? Top 6 tips to get more web enquiries and grow your client list.
The Nettl Academy recently opened it’s doors to welcome the first batch of Nettl Cadets. The new training programme is designed to help graduates forge a career in design, with training in web, design, print & business systems.
Exhibiting this year? Want to know how we got from the photo on the left to the photo on the right in just 15 mins? That’s right, everything out of the boot of a car and assembled in just 15 mins. Not a furrowed brow or bead of sweat in sight. OK, just one bead.[…]
Is your website secure? If not, Google Chrome, the world’s most popular browser, is letting visitors know about it. To the left of the web address there is a little security status icon. If you land on a page that doesn’t have SSL, you’ll see a little circle with an ‘i’ in it. Click on it to[…]