Create Your Digital Marketing Gameplan 1TELL US ABOUT YOU2WHAT IS YOUR STARTING POINT3YOUR GOALS & TIMELINE4YOUR PRODUCT / SERVICE5YOUR TARGET MARKET 6YOUR BUDGET7YOUR RESULTS TELL US ABOUT YOUYOUR NAMEBUSINESS NAMEEMAIL PHONELOCATIONINDUSTRY Corporate Trade Creative Hospitality Professional Services Education Health & Beauty Retail Other TRADING ENVIRONMENT Physical Location Online Only Both WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR BUSINESS OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS? Growing Flat Declining YOUR STARTING POINTDO YOU HAVE A WEBSITE? YES NO WHAT'S YOUR WEBSITES URL?WHAT PLATFORM IS IT BUILT ON? WordPress WooCommerce Shopify Wix SquareSpace Don’t know Other WHAT'S ITS CORE FUNCTION? Enquiry generation Online Bookings Ecommerce HOW OLD IS YOUR WEBSITE? Less than a year 1 -2 years 3-4 years Over 5 years DOES IT REFLOW TO SUIT MOBILE, TABLET AND DESKTOP DEVICES? Yes No Don’t know CAN YOU UPDATE THE CONTENT YOURSELF? Yes No DO YOU HAVE AN ACTIVE MARKETING PLAN? Yes No WHAT MARKETING CHANNELS DO YOU CURRENTLY USE? SEO Social Media PPC Sales calls Direct mail Exhibitions Adverts Email Marketing Select AllHOW DO YOU MEASURE THE RESULTS?HOW MUCH DO YOU SPEND ON MARKETING EACH MONTH?WHICH HAVE BEEN MOST SUCCESSFUL? SEO Social Media PPC Sales calls Direct mail Exhibitions Adverts Email Marketing YOUR GOALS AND TIMELINEWHAT ARE YOU LOOKING TO ACHIEVE? Brand Awareness Increased Website Traffic Lead Generation Online Bookings Ecommerce Sales WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOUR EXPECTED TIMELINE? Immediate results Traction within the first 3 months Medium term impact (4-9 months) Ongoing online presence improvement WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?PRODUCTS OR SERVICES? Products Services Select all that applyTELL US MORE ABOUT ITWHAT PROBLEM DO YOU SOLVE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS?WHO ARE YOUR MAIN COMPETITORS?ARE YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS ACTIVELY SEARCHING FOR WHAT YOU DO ONLINE? Yes No DEFINE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCEWHO DO YOU SELL TO? B2C B2B Both TYPICAL BUYER AGE Under 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+ WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR TARGET LOCATION? Locally Multiple localities Nationally Globally HOW DO YOUR CLIENTS CURRENTLY FIND YOU?ARE YOUR TARGET CLIENTS ACTIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Yes No WHAT'S YOUR BUDGET?WHAT'S YOUR INITIAL BUDGET?WHAT'S YOUR ONGOING MONTHLY BUDGET? (£/€/$) up to 249 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 2500+ This field is hidden when viewing the formYOUR RECOMMENDATIONSGet your FREE recommendations from a local expertClick submit and we’ll send your planner questionnaire to your local studio who’ll be in touch with their recommendations to help you achieve your goals. Whilst you’re waiting for our digital marketing experts to curate your bespoke success plan we’ve aligned your answers and objectives against our profiled success models. Of course our humans will be able to give you a more accurate insight but below are some instant ideas to help get the cogs turning. This field is hidden when viewing the formWEBSITEThis field is hidden when viewing the formSEO CONSOLEThis field is hidden when viewing the formBUSINESS BOOSTERThis field is hidden when viewing the formSEOThis field is hidden when viewing the formSOCIAL MEDIAThis field is hidden when viewing the formPPCWEBSITE From what you’ve said, you don’t need to allocate much of your budget to your websiteWEBSITE You should allocate some of your budget to improving your websiteWEBSITE You should allocate a high proportion of your budget to improving your websiteSEO CONSOLE From what you’ve said this isn’t suitable for your projectSEO CONSOLE Worth considering for local targets and a physical trading locationSEO CONSOLE Perfect as a low cost solution for physical locations with a local target market.BUSINESS BOOSTER From what you’ve said this isn’t suitable for your project.BUSINESS BOOSTER Worth considering for local targets and a physical trading locationBUSINESS BOOSTER Perfect as a low cost solution for physical locations with a local target market.SEO Perfect for Improving organic rankings over timeSEO An area to consider investing in, but requires a longer term before seeing resultsSEO Albeit an important area of investment for every business, SEO doesn’t provide the instant results you’d like.SOCIAL MEDIA From what you’ve told us your target customers are not engaged with social mediaSOCIAL MEDIA An organic social media package would be a medium term benefit.SOCIAL MEDIA Social media Adverts would help you target your specific audience quickly.PPC PPC isn’t a suitable tool for your projectPPC It might be worth investing some of your budget in PPCPPC If your budget allows for it investing in PPC would generate immediate results.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.