Today, is a sad day, because we’ve reached the final font in our Free Font Friday giveaway!
But, it’s also a good day, because we’ve saved the best free font for last! Nettl Sans is the Crown Jewels of our font collection. We loved it so much, we decided it should have a catchy name that everyone will remember!
Use Nettl Sans however you’d like, it’s completely free of charge and can be used for your in-house stuff as well as for clients commercial work.
Give it a download and try, you know you want to! We’ve attached this brand new free font in OpenType (OTF) format for use on your Mac or PC as well as it also includes webfonts in TTF, SVG, EOT and WOFF formats, suitable for use on your website. We’re a little emotional our new font is ready to be released into the wild, but you can help make it easier for us by sharing this with your friends, family and countrymen on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or whatever. Nettl Sans is yours to use however you like. So feel free to pop it on a poster, lay it out on a leaflet, drop it on a door hanger or erm… wow with it on a website for yourself or a client. It’s free… forever.
Free Font Friday – Nettl Sans
We like to do this sort of thing for our friends, we’re nice like that. We also usually get the first round in the pub or offer to sing the first song at karaoke. So go on, use the free font Nettl Sans, and when you do, think of us.
This is the last free font for now, but we’ll be back with other free goodies soon!
Nettl Sans is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution v3.0 Licence which allows you to use it for any purpose, even commercially.