Diseño de sitio web para Comercio electrónico y minoristas

A & N Trimmings Ltd sitio web por Nettl

Publicado 12 meses atrás para A & N Trimmings Ltd  ·  www.antrimm.co.uk

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Diseñado exclusivamente para ti por Nettl

Todo lo que necesitas

Permítanos ocuparnos de alojamiento, certificados de seguridad SSL y nombres de dominio

Alojamiento en la nube con copias de seguridad automáticas

Tranquilidad garantizada

A&N Trimmings Ltd is one of the largest and most respected distributors of textiles, zips and fasteners in the UK and Europe. They required a Website that could showcase the range of products they sell and make it easy for customers to buy them.

We adapted our E-commerce system and CMS so that users could modify their chosen product and customise the size, colour, type and more. From the get go, it was important that we made the buying process as simple as possible and hassle free. The Website is mobile friendly, displays links to social media and has a professional, clean design.

Product Customisation
We created a clean and visual way for visitors to customise to the products on the A&N Trimmings Website as per their requirements.

Analytics Integration
The site was finished off with a full integration of Google Analytics to allow the A&N Trimmings team to closely monitor the sites performance.

Responsive design
The site we created for the client required a fully responsive layout to allow customers to visit across a wide range of devices.

As with the majority of our websites, A&N is fully integrated into our own content management system that has been developed over 8 years.

This site boasts full e-commerce capabilities paired with an area for clients to login and store information for a speedier experience.

Sage Pay
A&N Trimmings chose to use Sage pay as their payment gateway as it fulfilled their specific needs, this was fully integrated into the site.

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