January Fails

 approx 3 minute read

Two websites were sitting in a bar

One website says to the other website “I feel like a failure”.
The second replies “You’re not a failure.
Being a failure implies you were actually trying to DO something

Read more (Don’t worry, the jokes get better. Maybe.)

There are three types of website in the business world…

Lead generators

Harsh but true. It’s not enough to only be pretty and responsive. If your website isn’t doing its fair share to pay the rent, then it’s a freeloader. It’s failing you, and it’s about time you put it to work.

So toss out those comfy slippers and get the steel toe caps on, Mr Website. Because we’re digging down into three of the reasons why many websites fail.

#1 No website strategy

Most sites fall at the first hurdle. They fail to deliver because delivery was never the goal. Or worse, there is no goal. But your website should always be aiming to achieve something. Or you lose.

Too many websites are launched as online versions of the company brochure, with detailed accounts of services the company can provide (plus the typical but unimaginative ‘home’, ‘about us’ and ‘contact us’ pages). That’s an ineffective snoozefest.

Everyone is different but typically all roads should lead to leads. Or a sale. For non-commerce sites, focus on selling the next step. Not the kitchen sink (unless you do actually sell kitchen sinks).

If all your business begins with a conversation, getting more calls is the goal.
If your sales funnel relies on email marketing, then getting email opt-ins is the goal.
If you’re a restaurant, campsite or physio, bookings should be your goal.

#2 No clear ‘call-to-action’

So now your website has a goal, we can become laser-focused on what we’d like users to do next. And we just need to make it very clear and simple. Want to encourage people to do something? Make it as quick and easy as possible.

But all too often, this is not the case. Remember the days before sat-nav, when drivers followed signs? Well, it’s like that. But with no signs. There are many webpage cul-de-sacs out there.

You can often journey all the way to the bottom of the page, only to ask ‘What now? Where next?’. Questions like that are bad for UX because they force visitors to make decisions. And people don’t like to have to make decisions. We like sat-nav.

So instead of the proverbial dead-end, how about a short form to encourage people to get in touch?

Or better still, with a calendar widget to book a free consultation?

Or a button allowing folks to signup for a free trial?

And what if we combined that with a trigger? Pop-ups aren’t always a user’s best friend but how about a prompt once you’ve reached the bottom of a blog? “Hey, we hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. Get more of the same tips right into your inbox.” Or perhaps “Thank you! Click here to get 10% off your next order”, triggered after somebody makes a purchase.

Less dead ends. More guiding lights.

#3 Not appearing in search results

Q: Where is the best place to hide a dead body?

A: Page 2 of Google. No one ever looks there.

To get sales or leads, your website relies on users coming to visit. Most websites fail due to a lack of traffic. Search engines drive more traffic to UK business websites than any other source. So if people are looking for the things that you do, then search marketing is important to you.

SEO is about getting found, and there’s often more than one place to hang-out. Even on one search page, you might want to appear in multiple places: The ads, the local businesses on the map, and the organic listings. But it doesn’t end there.

It doesn’t matter if your website is as welcoming as a Hawaiian in a hula. If Google has no idea who you are or what you do, the website is likely to fail in its mission. SEO is a long term, ongoing strategy. But if your website is not showing up at all, there might be a quick fix.

However, long-term, “Search Engine Optimisation” is actually just a slang term for a collection of best practices – web development, digital marketing, content creation, social media, PR, and so on. It’s all these things done well, done consistently, that will get you results.

Nettl partners across the country help local businesses just like yours get the exposure they need to succeed. If your website is not pulling its weight, then get a free website audit from your local Nettl studio.

The post January Fails appeared first on Nettl.

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