Building Trust Online

 approx 9 minute read

Build it, and they will buy.

Alas, no. Excelling in e-commerce is not just about having a pretty shop with amazing images and decadent descriptions.

That helps. But there are typically only 3 reasons why someone won’t buy.

They don’t need it right now
They can’t afford it right now
Or they don’t trust you.

Today, we’re going to deal with the last point.

It’s an important one. Because research found that 49% of shoppers lack trust in online stores.

One study claimed customers will abandon 70% of online purchases due to a lack of trust.

So what can we do to help reassure those wobblers?

Let’s look at tips to radiate trust and credibility vibes throughout our website.

Real shop vs web shop

There are lots of indicators in the real world in regards to trust.

When you visit a shop, you can see what the place is like.

Would you feel different if the luxury watch shop you’re about to visit is a garage at the back of a semi?

You get to meet sales assistants in a real store. If they are friendly and helpful then that alone can help to build trust.

But you’ll also feel more confident about making a purchase if you believe you can pop back in, should you get any issues.

What’s more, unless you’re particularly important or your shopping habits are rather niche, you will probably notice other people shopping at the same time as you.

It’s human nature to find this reassuring.

But is it really all that different online?

It’s certainly a lot trickier to see this kind of stuff in cyberspace but there is still plenty we can do to send out the same reassuring signals.

We’ve curated a collection of 7 secret weapons to help you establish trust online.

Shall we walk?

#1 Appearance

Perception is reality and appearance is everything.

You’ll have felt the almost subliminal vibes you get when you approach a shop that’s not quite up to scratch. Hmm, on second thoughts…

The same instincts apply online.
An unprofessional design leads to users bouncing right off your homepage in seconds.
In fact, studies show users only need 50 milliseconds (that’s just 0.05 seconds) to form an opinion on your website.
If they don’t get the right vibes in those split seconds, they’ll be jumping ship, sharpish.

Quality design doesn’t have to be expensive.

Sure, it might cost more than getting your neighbour’s son’s mate at the rugby club to knock something together.

But as the famous saying goes…

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” Red Adair.

What works on the high street?

Decent part of town
Great signage
Attractive window displays
Nice shop design
Other customers

What works online?

Instantly recognisable
Quality branding
Professional design
Not too many fonts or colours
Loads quickly
Looks good across multiple devices

#2 Maintenance

You walk up to a cake shop, intending to have a chat about a pug-shaped gluten-free birthday cake for granny.

But something’s not quite right.

There’s rubbish outside and the windows are dirty.

The dusty cakes on display in the window are halloween themed. It’s June.

Inside, there are boxes everywhere. Empty shelves and faded posters on the wall.

The person you need to speak to is unavailable right now and everyone seems unsure when they might be back.

It’s ok though. You can read last some old magazines while you wait. Eek.

You’ll want to avoid any similar stench of uncertainty online.

Regularly maintaining the site and adding fresh content makes our online shop look open and ship shape.

What works on the high street?

Clean and tidy environment
Up-to-date products / literature

What works online?

Up-to-date website content
Fresh blog posts
Online availability
Accurate opening times
Regular audits to fix any broken links

#3 Availability

Ever walked into a shop where there’s a little bell on the counter?

‘Ring for assistance’. No problem. Ding. Nothing.

Polite wait because we’re British. Ding, ding. Nothing.

There doesn’t appear to be anyone here. Hello??

Sounds a bit off-putting, right?

So, on your website, make sure there are ample ways to get in touch.

That could be as simple as a prominent phone number, social media links, or live chat.

Live chat especially can be an incredibly powerful way to convert online browsers into buyers.

In fact, live chat comes out top in client satisfaction surveys every time. People just prefer it.

Just make sure you’ve the resources (or clever software) to power it.

Be present, respond quickly.

Like Yoda says “Do, or do not. There is no try”.

What works on the high street?

Open when you expect it to be
Attentive, friendly but unobtrusive sales assistants

What works online?

Easy to find phone number
Consistent address details
Active live chat function
Responsive social media

#4 Security

In the real world, you expect a level of security in a store.

Similarly online, you expect a website to be safe.

Clearly that means no nasty pop ups or malware.

It’s important to keep your website build up-to-date to stamp out vulnerabilities. Our Nettl care plans can help with this.

But more commonly we’re talking about keeping your data safe.

GDPR plays an important part of course.

We need to take care of personal details and credit card information.

Having an SSL certificate installed on your site ensures you keep sensitive data safe.

It also stops Google Chrome issuing a warning that your site is insecure, which can happen if you do not have SSL.

Use modern, recognised payment gateways to gain people’s trust.

Many of the most popular payment methods are free to install.

What works on the high street?

Modern equipment
Real people
Accept major payment methods

What works online?

SSL certificate
Trusted payment gateways
Keeping the site up-to-date
GDPR compliant
Legal policies

#5 Social proof

People don’t like making buying decisions. It can stress them out.

So it comes as no surprise that we often prefer to delegate the due diligence to someone else.

That’s why we’ll ask our friends and neighbours where they got theirs from.

Sometimes all it takes is a little recommendation from an existing customer and we’re happy to go with the flow.

We will all check out reviews before committing to something.

A restaurant, a new phone, a movie.

And we use reviews to speedily background-check service providers too.

From roofers to movers. Pool cleaners to dog breeders.

But it’s not just humans who rely on reviews. Algorithms do too.

Reviews play a huge part when it comes to Google’s local search results.

Quantity, sentiment, keywords.

That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you’re taking care of reputation management.

Our SEO Console can help you get more reviews easily, from your existing clients.

And you can divert the review to the most appropriate destination, based on whether it is positive or negative.

For example, you may wish to publish your glowing reviews on Google or TripAdvisor.

Your ‘must-do-better’ or unapologetic complaint might be more suited to arriving in an inbox instead.

So that someone may respond personally, privately, and put things right.

What works on the high street?

Word of mouth
Seeing other shoppers

What works online?

Google Business Profile

#6 Assurances

Despite relentless growth in online sales, some people still just prefer the natural assurances associated with visiting the high street.

One reason is, that if you aren’t 100% happy with a product, the perception (although not always accurate) is that you can just take it back.

That’s usually easier to do with a shop purchase compared to online.

Unless it’s Amazon. Where you can use a UPS return point. Your free returns don’t even need a box, let alone a label.

Game changer. Anyway, to mitigate this concern, you may want to offer some assurances like free returns or a money-back guarantee.

Depending on what you sell, distance selling regulations may mean you need to give consumers 14 days to change their minds anyway.

But go over and above the minimum requirements to make a feature of your customer service and reduce any perception of risk.

A hassle-free returns process can alleviate potential worries and supercharge your online sales.

Use logos from awards and accreditations. Mention any memberships and organisations you belong to.

Boost legitimacy and credibility with third-party endorsements.

What works on the high street?

Clear returns policy
Being able to take something back

What works online?

Clear returns policy
No cost hassle-free returns (if possible)
Money back guarantee

#7 Consistency

There is a reason places like McDonald’s and Starbucks work. Or any chain for that matter. Consistency.

You consistently get the same product. The same service. The same decor.

While this might be a little dull, it remains immensely reassuring.

Is it the best burger at Ronald’s? Let’s kindly say it’s a matter of opinion.

Five Guys perhaps?

Whatever burger joint floats your bun, you do expect to get the same thing each time.

It’s not just hospitality of course.

Do you find that you shop at the same stores?

Go to the same optician? If you moved to a different town would you seek out the same brand next time?


We like to know what to expect.

It reduces the mental load. Decision making. Anxiety.

You feel comfortable. Old slippers.

You’ve been here before.

It mitigates the possibility of buyer’s remorse.

Online shopping is no different. We love to go back after a good experience.

But did you know Google loves consistency too?

Not just by making a note of return visits. But also by how consistent your information is across the internet.

Check out our article on Local Search for more info on how NAPs can impact your rankings.

Need a simple solution? Ask about our SEO Console, coming soon.

What works on the high street?

Familiar faces
Great staff training
Same quality product each time
Same level of service each time

What works online?

Consistent NAP listings
Reliable despatch
Quality products
Consistent design across website
Robust hosting platform

Online Trust Checklist


Instantly recognisable
Quality branding
Professional design
Not too many fonts or colours
Loads quickly
Looks good across multiple devices


Up-to-date website content
Fresh blog posts
Online availability
Accurate opening times
Regular audits to fix any broken links


Easy to find phone number
Consistent address details
Active live chat function
Responsive social media


SSL certificate
Trusted payment gateways
Keeping the site up-to-date
GDPR compliant
Legal policies

Social Proof

Google Business Profile


Clear returns policy
No cost hassle-free returns (if possible)
Money back guarantee


Consistent NAP listings
Reliable despatch
Quality products
Consistent design across website
Robust hosting platform

Want to boost your online sales?

Have a chat with your local Nettl studio about affordable ways to grow your business. We have creative people and clever software to help with many of the things mentioned above. From website design to reputation management. Content creation to live chat. To get started, just get in touch.

The post E-commerce online trust checklist appeared first on Nettl.

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